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Primobolan, primobolan rotterdam,also known as primobolan depot, Enanthate, is a synthetic anabolic primobolan precio used by bodybuilders to improve muscle mass and strength. It is commonly used during cutting cycles to enhance muscle definition and reduce body fat. primobolan rotterdam primobolan 100
primobolan depot
Primobolan 100 offers several benefits for bodybuilders. It helps to improve muscle mass and strength, enhance muscle definition, and improve recovery time. It also has a low risk of causing side effects compared to other anabolic steroids.
primobolan rotterdam, is a pharmaceutical-grade Methenolone Enanthate. Methenolone Enanthate is a slow-acting ester of Methenolone. Primoject administration provides a peak release of Methenolone steroid in just 1-2 days after the injection and keeps steady levels of it in the bloodstream for over two weeks (compared to 2-3 days with oral Primobolan). Methenolone is considered a moderately strong anabolic compound with low to no androgenic activity. primobolan precio Methenolone Enanthate is an FDA-approved compound that is prescribed as a lean tissue builder in cases of prolonged infection, post-operation, or after corticosteroid administration. primobolan rotterdam
Esters General Info
Esters should be a piece of common knowledge for all steroids users. Esters understanding provides accurate and crucial information about proper dosages and administration timing.
Shorter ester = shorter half-life=more frequent injections=more raw steroids in the mix Longer ester =longer half-life=less injections=less raw steroid in the mix primobolan 100
Esters and Accurate dosage calculation
We all know that accurate dosage is the most crucial part of AAS administration. Primoject consists of raw steroid Methenolone and Enanthate oil that the raw steroid is mixed with.
Both molecules (raw Methenolone and Enanthate oil) have their molecular weight; that is why once planning your cycles, please note that 100 mg Methenolone Enanthate equals on average 70 mg of raw Methenolone. primobolan enanthate 100
Classification: Anabolic Steroid
Androgenic 44-57
Anabolic 88
Standard Testosterone
Estrogenic Activity None
Progestational Activity Low
Water Retention: Low
Aromatization: None
Hepatotoxicity Low
Active Half-life: 5-7 days
Recommended Dosage: 400-600 mg/week
Apoxar Primoject Main Benefits
- Increase in quality muscle mass
- Strength and endurance increase
- Longer and more intense workouts
- Shorter rest periods in between sets
- Improvement in explosive exercises
- Notable fat loss
- Significant increase in muscle definition
- Increase in muscle density and hardness
- Anti-catabolic agent
Primoject Administration Women
Female athletes widely use Primoject. The most common and safe dosage range is 50-100mg/week. Some female athletes are stacking Primoject with Winstrol, but we do not recommend this approach. primobolan 100 dosage
Primoject Administration Men
Recommended dosage range 400-600 mg/week
Recommended cycle length 6-10 weeks
Primoject Possible side effects
Primoject does not aromatize and retain water. Primoject does not have any estrogen-linked side effects. That is why it is a primary choice of athletes that have a genetic predisposition to gyno.
Primoject is classified as a compound with low androgenic side effects. Most androgenic side effects were reported at substantially higher than recommended dosages by users with a genetic primobolan rotterdam
Primoject does not have hepatotoxic effects. Multiple clinical trials showed that Primoject does not produce significant changes in liver enzymes levels.
Natural Testosterone Suppression
Primoject has a moderate level of suppression of endogenous testosterone production. A proper PCT restores Test levels fast and is very effective. primobolan 100 injection primobolan precio
primobolan rotterdam
Primoject Cycle for Females
Cycle Type: Safe and Effective Cycle for female athletes
Level Beginner/Intermediate
Main Goals:
– Weight loss
– Moderate Lean muscle gains
– Definition increase
– Strength increase
Effectiveness Level: High
1 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
2 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
3 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
4 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
5 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
6 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
7 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
8 Week Apo Primoject 100mg/week
Apoxar Primoject Cycles for Men
Apo Primoject and Winstrol
Level Beginner/Intermediate
Main Goals: Cutting
– Weight loss
– Moderate Lean muscle gains
– Definition increase
– Strength increase
Effectiveness Level: Very High
1 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
2 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
3 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
4 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
5 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
6 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Winstrol 40mg/day
1 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day
2 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day
3 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day
4 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day
Apo Primoject and Test E
Level Beginner/Intermediate
Main Goals:
– Quality Muscle gains
– Weight loss
– Definition increase
– Strength increase
Effectiveness Level: Very High
1 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
2 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
3 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
4 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
5 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
6 Week Apo Primoject 400mg/week Test E 250mg/week
1 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day
2 Week Nolvadex 40 mg/day
3 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day
4 Week Nolvadex 20 mg/day
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