Masteron Propionate


Brand: Apoxar, Canada

Trade Name: Masteron

Packing: 100mg per mL, 10mL vial

Quality Check: Lab Test Results


Best For: Use to Build Lean Muscle. Increase Fat Loss. Decrease Water Retention. Get That Hard Dry Look. Increased sex drive & libido


How to Use: Inject 100-200mg each other day (or 3 times a week). For best results, use for a minimum of 8-10 weeks.


Conversion to estrogen: No


Post Cycle Therapy: Nolvadex 40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for another 2 weeks


Stack with: Winstrol/Anavar for lean muscle or Testosterone Propionate for muscle mass


Recommendations: Always combine with a suitable diet and exercise program.